School Uniform
*Please note our uniform supplier has now switched to PMG.
Delivery to school dates:
If you require anything urgently please contact PMG direct.
Our school supports a policy of children wearing school uniform. For this policy to succeed we must have the support of all parents. The main reasons for a uniform are:
- It encourages pride in the school.
- It reduces arguments about clothes at home.
- It helps children feel part of the school.
- It prevents unsuitable clothes being worn.
Please see our uniform policy for more information
PMG Schoolwear is our uniform supplier.
Below are links for further information and ordering.
Our school uniform colour is a combination of blue, white and grey. Most items can be bought from High Street shops. Items marked with a * below, some of which have the school logo on, are sold via the school website. Please speak to our office staff for details.

- Grey skirt/pinafore dress/shorts/trousers or blue and white checked or striped dresses
- White blouse/shirt or polo shirt*
- Blue sweatshirt* or cardigan*, either plain or with the School logo
- White/grey socks or black or grey tights
- Black shoes or plain black trainers
Please note skirts should be an appropriate length and of a style which allows children to sit comfortably on the floor. When children wear shorts they should also be of an appropriate length.
- Plain white T-shirt / School T-shirt
- Black Shorts
- Plimsolls
- Tracksuit (optional for outdoor PE and games)
From time to time, the school have items that are not needed any more and these can be purchased at the second-hand sales. Please look out for the dates of these.